Tuesday, 14 April 2020

AdaComply 2.0 Review - SaaS Product for your Websites

The ADAcomply 2 Review, according to the website's description, is a webinar-based program that provides information on how to meet the needs of people with disabilities. It's been out for a few years and has helped people with mobility issues to make informed decisions about their therapies and their lives.

The information is based on ADAcomply 2 review that is used by therapists. The data is meant to help people understand the way they are physically and mentally functioning and how to interact in the real world so they can lead full and active lives.

But, even though this website content is informative, it doesn't look like a product anyone should trust. That's because some sections on the website suggest people don't use this information to help themselves, but instead, to increase their profits.

Some people have used this website content to increase their incomes. Here's why:
The website section that uses the ADAcomply 2 review as part of its resource box features a model of a talking head that urges readers to sign up for the newsletter. But, as you can see, the website says nothing about the newsletter's value.

On the first page of the site, there's a link that takes you to a landing page where you get to sign up for the newsletter. Although the landing page offers a form for people to fill out, the way says nothing about what's included in the newsletter.

When people read through the newsletter, they don't know that the content is being read and validated by a third party. They don't know that if they don't sign up for the newsletter, they won't get any of the benefits that the third party claims they will get.

The ADAcomply website content offers an information product that sells products that it says are based on the information from the ADAcomply 2. However, the products do not meet the ADAcomply standards, so they're probably scams.

In other words, this information product doesn't work. It's a waste of time and money.
The website content doesn't seem to have any credibility. Some of the testimonials are false and were probably written by disgruntled clients.

A number of the people who provide testimonies say they didn't realize that the ADAcomply website was a fraud until they read the ADAcomply 2 review. Some of them suggest the website doesn't give enough information.

Also, other disability advocates and disability charities, including ADAcomply, are unhappy with the quality of this product. The third party that produces the product is "closed," meaning no one who purchases the product will be able to view the resources that it contains.

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